Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello Again World

Hey guys, I have been so busy as of late. School, work, and the boyfriend have been using me a lot. The latter I am not too stressed about. He makes me happier than a kid eating a lollipop. This is most likely going to turn into a geek post. Sorry to my non geeky viewers.

So back in the day, around 2003, I was acting like a little girl when Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was released on the PC. I could tell I was going to be staying up till 3 a.m. every morning just to play as a Jedi. If you have never heard of it, then google it, and if your interested, Target sells it for $20 or you can find it online for cheaper. So, to the present, well, future, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, ok I just lost half of you. Its like WoW(World of Warcraft), but 10 times cooler. It isn't known when it is coming out, some people are saying later this year, I'm hoping sooner than later.

Now, why am I bringing this up? Well, I recently downloaded a lot of Star Wars comics, and
thought I would put them on my iPad to read on the go. I only have a 16gb iPad. So its hard to put stuff on it without having to sacrifice. So I decided to put all the comics in my Dropbox(an online cloud) and view them from my Dropbox iPad app. I can only get 2gb for free, and I'd rather not pay to get more. The comics take up 5gb. Which means I need more. Dropbox offers a referral program that if another person clocks the link, both the host, and the new person get extra space. The new person has to sign and up download the software, which really isn't a burden on any computer. So I ask you all, will you help me out in getting me more space for my Dropbox? I would be very grateful for it.

Click here to help me out.

"All men are created equal. No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words." Harvey Milk

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